Monday, June 10, 2013

Does the Diaper-Rash Ointment Coupon Come With That?

I get the desire, even the need, to go longer periods of time without changing baby's diaper.  You need to rest, too.

Calling Child Services. Come in.
I also get that some kids sleep for more than 6 hours at a pop.  Again, our kids never did that.  Still don't.  

But I don't get why you would ever need a diaper that can last for 12 hours without being changed.  And frankly, I'm a little worried about the people who will be tempted to use it.  Are they the type who let the oil change go for 8,000 miles rather than 5,000.  Or maybe 10,000.

So the question is, how long is too long?  We always had a rule that we changed our kids' diapers when dirty.  Whether the diaper was on for ten minutes or three hours.  Once dirty, it came off.

With 12 hour diapers, the child's undergarments can go about as long as some contact lenses.  And that cannot be good. At least for the kid.


  1. What are the causes for diaper rash? How can we make our child rash free?
    Jessica Alba Diapers

  2. Not a doctor, but diaper rash is just skin irritation. It's usually caused by moisture. So, not changing your kids diaper when it's wet can cause diaper rash. Ironically, wiping excessively can irritate their little buts too. When faced with a rash, we'd apply Aquaphor, to sooth the skin, absorb more moisture and create a vapor barrier. And we made sure to change the kids diapers when dirty, without wiping too vigorously.


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