Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dad, the Spider Assissin

I have nothing against spiders.  Honestly.  But you wouldn’t know it from the scores of carcasses I have discarded down the drain in the past few months.

It’s not personal.  I am but a hired gun – or at least a hired paper towel, which is then pressed firmly between my thumb and fingers to finish off the little buggers.  I have grown accustomed to the work.   Though, you never really get used to the “pop.”

I used to try to convince my clients that spiders really aren’t that bad.  Good luck with that.  A four-year-old girl will never believe that the spider she found on her ceiling has no qualms with her.  It doesn't matter when I remind her that spiders could even help keep other bugs away.  She's not buying the spider's side of the story.  She just wants it gone.

“Daddy!” she shrieks.   “Spider!”  And I go to work.  

Dangling from the ceiling, crawling along the window sill, scurrying across the floor -- no spider is safe.  I grab my trusty paper towel, napkin, or, in a pinch, toilet paper.  And I begin the hunt.  “Where is it?”  The child points, and cowers beneath the covers.   I have to squint to even see the darn thing.   I swear my kids are exceptional at noticing spiders.  They must get it from their mother.   With a quick swipe, squeeze and flush, the job is done, the client relieved.

Certainly, I don’t want to live in house that is “infested” as my wife describes it during the months when spiders seem to just appear.   I just don’t notice them.   What is that small black spot on the crown molding? I really don’t care.  In fact, I usually hope it’s a spider.  Better that than chipping paint or evidence of a leak.  Those jobs are much tougher on the soul than killing a spider.

But, I swear,  I have nothing against them.   It is just a job to me.   And as much as I’m good at it, there is one part I will never quite enjoy. 


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